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ul. Kruczkowskiego 6

00-412 Warszawa

Warszawa Ursynów

House for Rental, secondary market



7 bathrooms

0 parking spots

15.000 PLN

monthly rent
Offer number

Agata Wiensak

+48 514 055 215

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For Rent an exclusive building for the purpose of representation, company headquarters, or hostel. The property is situated in Ursynów in close proximity to the main arterial roads allowing easy access to the desired location. Perfect appearance, condition and not banal architecture in the style of modern certainly will meet prestige recognized the company as the headquarters of his company or to successfully meet the requirements of its executives on social issues. The hotel has 4 floors, basement and 3 repeated floors with a total area of ​​500 square meters. Surfaces divided into rooms on each floor toilets 2-3, also on level 1-wszej large kitchen. With the building 10 parking spaces. Additionally paid counter charges. Heating gas furnace, the rest of the media city.

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Market Secondary market

Area 500 m2


Year built 2000

Number of floors


Price and terms

Monthly rent 15.000,00 PLN

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